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Arabesque Tiles

Arabesque - Pronounced [ar-uh-besk

Defined: any ornament or ornamental object, as a rug or mosaic, in which flowers, foliage, fruits, vases, animals, and figures are represented in a fancifully combined pattern.

Arabesque pattern tiles are known for their beautiful and timeless sinuous designs. Arabesque tiles feature a linear repeating pattern of interlacing, curving ornamental motifs such as lanterns, flowers, or foliage. The intricate and repeating curved patterns of arabesque tiles and quatrefoil tiles are meant to create a sense of potentially infinite repetition.

Since the 10th century, arabesque designs have been used in Islamic architecture and later appeared throughout Central and South Asia and European countries such as Spain and Italy. Today, arabesque lantern tiles are often incorporated into contemporary or modern farmhouse interior designs as a backsplash, shower, and floor tile. Our collection of arabesque tiles includes arabesque mosaic tile for walls and floors, marble arabesque tile, large format porcelain arabesque tile, and glass arabesque tile backsplash.

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