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Patterned Mosaic Tiles

Explore our collection of high-quality patterned mosaic tiles for walls and floors. The patterned mosaic tiles featured in this collection are crafted from premium materials like marble, quartzite, artisan glass, and glazed ceramic. This collection includes small format mosaics and large mosaic tiles for kitchen or bathroom backsplash, shower walls and floors, tub surround, and accent or feature walls.

Mosaic Floor Tile Patterns: Popular mosaic tile patterns for kitchen and bathroom floors include penny rounds, basketweave, herringbone, chevron, hexagons, and squares.

Mosaic Tile Backsplash Patterns: Classic and contemporary mosaic tile patterns for kitchen and bathroom backsplash and accent walls include linear strip pattern mosaics, picket mosaic tiles, floral mosaic tiles, arabesque lantern pattern tiles, and subway mosaic tiles. Shop our complete collection of mosaic backsplash tiles.

Unique Mosaic Tiles: Looking for unique mosaic patterns? Check out our special collection of marble waterjet mosaic tiles.

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