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Coastal Gray Glass Lanterns Arabesque Mosaic Wall Tile | TileBuys
Coastal Gray Glass Lanterns Arabesque Mosaic Wall Tile | TileBuys
Coastal Gray Glass Lanterns Arabesque Mosaic Wall Tile | TileBuys

Coastal Gray Glass Lanterns Arabesque Mosaic Wall Tile

$ 10.00


Coastal Grey frosted glass mosaic wall tile in Moroccan arabesque lantern pattern. Mix of glossy and frosted glass chips.

TILE SIZE: 11.81 x 8.6 in., 8mm thickness

CHIP STYLE: Arabesque lanterns. 

SQUARE FOOT PER TILE: ≈  0.71 sq. ft.

TILES PER BOX: 10 (We recommend you order in multiples of 10 tiles)

INSTALLATION: Interlocking sheets on a fiber mesh backing for easy installation.

FINISH: Multi Finish - Frosted Glass & Glossy

OVERAGE: We recommend ordering a minimum of 10% overage to account for design cuts and patterns. We also recommend that you keep a box of tile in storage for future repairs.


TILE SIZE: 11.81 x 8.6 in., 8mm thickness

CHIP STYLE: Arabesque lanterns. 

SQUARE FOOT PER TILE: ≈  0.71 sq. ft.

TILES PER BOX: 10 (We recommend you order in multiples of 10 tiles)

INSTALLATION: Interlocking sheets on a fiber mesh backing for easy installation.

FINISH: Multi Finish - Frosted Glass & Glossy


OVERAGE: We recommend ordering a minimum of 10% overage to account for design cuts and patterns. We also recommend that you keep a box of tile in storage for future repairs.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Salman Hayat
Beautiful tile

Shipped on time, packaged well. Beautiful tile.

Beautiful Tile

We found this tile on display at Lowe's and were able to order from Tilebuys for a fraction of the price. Shipping was super fast as well.

Jay Prague
The tile is nice!

I have not had the tile installed yet. The tile is nice and it was a decent pice.

Yashmin Khan
Looks even better in person than in pictures

Fantastic customer service from Keith. Got my order on time as well.

Lee Anne C
Beautiful tile!

This was a little bit of a splurge item in my home remodel, and I am in love with it!! Beautiful tile with a classy, vintage feel, while still looking current and trendy. It's a beautiful light grayish blue, with alternating frosted and glossy glass tiles. I originally saw this tile on display at my local Lowe's store, but was told they no longer carry it. I searched relentlessly, and found out here. It's gorgeous, and was totally worth it!

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